SAABy w Kańczudze

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Invitiamo. Nostro club, nostre macchine. Sicuro potete vedere robe interesante. Ecco nostra vita con anima.
This beautifully located town has its motor history dating back to before WWII, as one of the car topsides manufacturers existed here. In the archived issue of "Automobilista" (nr 4, 1999) we have presented the unusual history of the first female bus driver in Cracow (see). Her Fiat 621R busses purchased in 1936 and 1937 received their topsides in Kańczuga. Today, not a sign of that manufacturing company remains, instead, this town has become a center for antique SAAB's for all of Poland. Thanks to p. Tadeusz Kwiatek, a great admirer of this car make, currently probably the biggest authority on the subject of cars from Trollhattan in Poland, the SAAB GT-Classic Club was established here. Club's operating base is the facility of a company belonging to Mr. Eugeniusz Wilk. Why here, so far away from Sweden? It's a result of a combination of circumstances, which would make a good separate story. The fact is that it is here that the lovers of the round-shaped SAAB cars and their more recent angular decendants can find other sympathetic souls and even get their cars renovated.
This spot has become well known also in Sweden, from where arrive the worn-out SAAB's model 96 as well as others to undergo a rejuvenation treatment. What's interesting is that they mostly make it on their own - a notable achievement considering that after leaving the ferry in Gdynia they must carry on southword for another 700 km. On the other hand, the old SAAB jallopys from Poland typically require a lorry for transport. This demonstrates certain differences in the condition of old vehicles in Sweden and in Poland. On the other hand, the focus on products from one car maufacturer have resulted in considerable in-depth experience and professionalism. It must be remembered, that, having been taken to pieces, fixed, beaten the metal body, spray painted, etc., the cars are re-assembled and subsequently proceed on their "maiden voyage" 700 km back to Gdynia, and must not break down neither then nor later in Sweden. Everyone, who's ever renovated an antique car, knows how to prepare it and "teach it " how to drive again so it can make the long journey with confidence.
The space in the backyard in Kanczuga is constantly filled with the characteristc automobiles designed back in the '40s, awaiting their turn.

Miejsce to stało się znane także w Szwecji, skąd przyjeżdżają tu sfatygowane dziewięćdziesiątki szóstki czy też inne modele, na kurację odmładzającą. Co ciekawe, przyjeżdżają tu na ogół o własnych siłach mając po zjechaniu promu w Gdyni do pokonania jeszcze 700 kilometrów na południe. Nasze zabytki jadąc do remontu na ogół wymagają lawety, a czasem podnośnika z gęstym sitem, aby nie pogubiły się wypadające przez podłogę elementy wyposażenia. Pokazuje to pewne różnice w kwalifikowaniu pojazdów zabytowych w Szwecji i u nas. Z drugiej strony, zajęcie się jedną marką samochodową pozwoliło na znaczną specjalizację warsztatu i osiągnięcie profesjonalnego poziomu.

Podwóreczko w Kańczudze stale jest zapełnione oczekującymi na swoją kolej charakterystycznymi samochodami o nadwoziach zaprojektowanych jeszcze w latach 40.
Jerzy Kossowski, „Automobilista” Nr 81 12/2006